Friday, May 31, 2013

The one around Scandinavia.

Beautiful Leanna at Arlanda Airport, Sweden
20th May - 30th May.

After DTS many things change. Even holidays. Nothing can be seen as a 'normality' anymore since ordinary is overrated: the truth that life is so much more IS the ordinary. As God could and would use the ordinary and make it extraordinary.

A family trip would normally be just a family trip: food, photos, sights and all that. Yet this time round heading out, I knew it would be different. And so I tried to keep asking as much as I could, of: 

"How would you use me here, Lord?"

And how interesting such incidents happened.

First, on a cruise from Helsingor, Denmark, to Oslo, Norway. It was the buffet dinner and we were being served by 2 ladies. Somehow one of the young ladies (Thilde) came to mind, and I found it strange and started asking God if there was anything for her. I started to feel perhaps there were things He wanted to tell her, yet I checked to get confirmation. So before we left, I went up to her and talked to her and realised that she wasn't a believer, yet, I knew I should continue, so I spoke to her, and she allowed me to pray for her. My heart was beating so fast, but it's such an adventure always. 

Lom Stave Church
Next, it was in Norway. At the Lom Stave church. We visited this church on a Sunday. And after taking photos around it, like the one on the right, I went into the church, but realised we couldn't enter the chapel unless we paid. And at the counter was this girl (Rannei), and I felt I should talk to her. And as we chatted, found out that she's a Lutheran but haven't been going to church. So I asked God again what He has for her. She allowed me to pray for her, and as we prayed, I shared what I got for her, and then that was it. I felt relieved, as if I've done what I should have, and it was a really good feeling too.

And with this, my mind went on to think that perhaps it was one person in each nation, and so when we were in Sweden, I was quite on the alert, but somehow nothing very compelling, and as we headed to the airport, I felt perhaps there was nothing left and I would go home. Then, as my brother and mother went to a counter to get tax refund sorted out, I sat on a bench beside a mother and her daughter. The daughter was such a beautiful little girl, and I so wanted to take a picture of her, but I was afraid that it might be inappropriate. Then out of nothing, the little girl turned to me and she started to give me such a big smile, and I smiled back, and she laughed. And it happened a few times. I then started to talk to her mum and we chatted for a bit and found out that she was pregnant with another baby! As my mum and brother returned, and we were about to leave, I felt to pray for her and her family, especially her unborn baby. So we prayed, and thereafter found out that they were Lutherans too. 

So, its such a memorable trip. Not only did I get to experience the beauty of each nation, He also given me opportunities of praying and blessing one in each nation. Just this alone brings much joy and amazement again of how real God is, and how His love knows no boundaries, and not limited to a particular nation. 

So, holidays can have so much more depth and excitement, if we realise that God doesn't take holidays, and even on our holidays He wants to do so much more, through us too! :)

Sunday, May 19, 2013

The one about the trend.

Marching to...?
19th May.

Through the conversations that I have had recently, I felt led to ask 2 friends to stop what they are doing, or rather, to quit, and come back to God.

And this begets the question of then, how long have we been functioning without God?

It seems like everything can be run in an 'auto' mode: work, family, worship, church, relationships. And if there aren't pit-stops to just draw some perspective of how much of God is in it, then we'll just keep going. But where to?

So, when we stop and ask Him again, where we are, and to where do we belong to, would we then, have the courage and faith to be obedient? Or we just grudgingly accept we have gone wrong, and fall back into something routine, something familiar, something safe.


I don't know, but for me, I shudder thinking to be where God doesn't want me to be, and to do all by my own strength, my own wisdom, and my own plans. I'll gladly trade it all to work on His terms, and that means His strength, His wisdom and His plans.

I'll rather have something non-routine, something unfamiliar, something 'un-safe', but WITH God.

The one with my nephew J.

Jayden: 12 days old. Winking.
19th May.

We visited my cousin, who delivered on 8th May. When we got there, we met and saw him, the little one. I looked at him and spoke to him, and as my mum carried him, he kept looking at me. My mum remarked,"It seems like you know one another!" And under my breath, I said,"So it was you we prayed for (during the lunar new year)", as I stroked his hands. It was surreal, to carry that life that God sustained. I remember being led to pray for my cousin, and baby, at a family gathering in Feb, and now he is out. He is so precious.

Anyway, another afternoon at church. Worship was such a great time of prayer and worship. Praying for one another as the Lord led.

Then dinner with 2 friends. We had a very unplanned conversation, and where the Lord led it, was, very unplanned, but so...nice. Deep yet light. Haha..

This life: to be part of this much of what God has for His people, is so fulfilling, and so encouraging at the same time.

Yet, to constantly stay humble.

Friday, May 17, 2013

The one with the lunch with the sisters.

Sisters, such joy!
17th May.

Ran with pastor. Whole body ached, yet it felt so good. Ha. Had breakfast and chatted. Had brunch thereafter with a sister, and then lunch with 2 more sisters. Was fun, yet also, I felt old at times. haha. Growing up with only brothers, somehow recently, God has brought so many sisters into my life, and not only do we have good 'normal' relationships, but more, somehow, such relationships now involve more depth than before, and sometimes it means saying the tough things...but someone's got to say it right? And many times, it takes more love to say it than to believe it's better for someone else to do it, after prayer and seeking the counsel of the Lord of course.

I guess, with the history of how I viewed and treated women, God could have so easily forbade me any contact with them, yet, He is redeeming this whole portion of my history and allowing me to encourage, edify, and speak into such lives of the sisters around me. Such a privilege. To know that we have such treasures in the church, in the family, we men better buck up and not only protect them and lead them, but more so to love them so much more, til it hurts perhaps.

Tough love, perhaps, is also love that is not easy. Sometimes when we see them stuck, or trapped within a situation, and we are called to not intervene (interrupt) their journey, and see them learn their lesson through, to resist the temptation to come "save the day", or to just allow them their choices and its consequences to bear, is painful, and tough, yet also necessary.

So to bring attention to a piece of veg stuck on the tooth, is perhaps as important as checking if God would like us to back off sometimes, so that He can show forth Himself in tough situations. Regardless, let God be God, and men not think ourselves too much a "superhero", yet not shrink away from our duty to protect, love and lead our dear sisters.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The one with the 2.4km run.

It felt long.
16th May.

Definitely didn't feel good for the run at all. But as I ran, the song "Everlasting God" kept playing in my head so I just ran and worshipped...especially the "strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord". In the end, finished in 10:21, missed Gold timing by 7 seconds. But given my condition today, that was an amazing run already. Thank God for sustaining me through it.

The financial advisor sister texted me and told me she bought a book about inner healing and so much of it spoke to her. So amazing. Will be praying for her, and her friend wants to meet in June. Can't wait!

The one where 3 days have passed.

Days go by too fast.
13th May.

Was so tired, I went to bed at 7+. And I was in bed til the next morning. Rest is so underrated.

14th May.

Morning run again with Pastor, and it's one more run this week before he is on his own. Met an old friend for lunch and got talking. And it just hit me, that even in church, we stay around the safe topics, and conversations. We perhaps don't dare to delve deeper because we ourselves don't want to go that deep ourselves. We have to stop deluding ourselves. Anyway, we had a good conversation.

15th May.

Went to the Gardens by the bay. 2nd time since getting the annual pass. Met D, and we spent the whole day just chilling and chatting. It was good. Haven't spent much time with her since my university days when we would do revision and study in church. It's such a privilege to see her grow so much.

Monday, May 13, 2013

The one with the Parents' day celebration.

As a child, us, all free. But parents watch over.
12th May.

Worship today was for me, so much of God. It was such a pleasure, and privilege to have had the opportunity to lead today. After service, felt led to pray for a lady, and after praying, she asked,"How did you know?"Inside my heart I smiled and wanted to reply,"God knows..He definitely does."She texted me later saying that it was like a timely present. :)

Coming home, I received a text from an aunt. Context is that yesterday, I had a song and verse and felt led to send it to her. So today, during worship, the leader prayed from that verse and opened worship with that same song, and she was so much more encouraged by it! I was so blown away, and so humbled.

Weekend, yet the Lord doesn't stop.

So here is the song, Everlasting God.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

The one about the families.

Jamshed and his 2 sisters.
11th May.

Joined the youth cell, and I don't know if I spoke too much, but I felt we were to go deeper than the surface issues. Well..trusting in Him.

Another worship & prayer session. What I thought was the important parts are: everyone got to share about the ministry trips that they were taking, and we prayed for one another, across services. I think symbolically, there is more, and also, we were praying for tmrw's service and suddenly led to pray for broken families, and praying for restoration and reconciliation. To just for that moment catch a little of how God felt for such families....was really breaking.

So we're now committed to weekly. And we'll just take it as it comes. We'll pray, and wait.

The one with the 466 and 644

Sweat & fellowship, it's a guy thing. It's a God thing.
10th May.

4.66km. 6.44 mins/km pace.

Started the day with a run with 3 brothers: 2 of them my cousins. And we had a good fellowship over breakfast. It's only friday, but it's my 4th run since monday! It's amazing how God is using exercise, and being a running partner/ buddy, to create opportunities to get together and to spend 'guy time', or 'Bromance time'. And I love it!

Got invited to Uncle C's birthday lunch, with the family and it was so fun, and such an amazing feeling to be surrounded my family, and with our family, its constant jokes.

Went for a food tasting session, my first, and such a blessing and honour to be there tonight. It felt like an avalanche of food into my stomach, but it was truly an enjoyable time, and to be in the midst of such joy and laughter, wow.

The sister from the 1-year-old lunch texted me tonight as I was returning home, and it is so humbling, yet encouraging to hear of what God is doing, and has done through that one lunch meeting. And as she shared in summary her journey since that day, I'm just so awed to be part of His journey with her, even if it was just one lunch meeting. Yet it will be a lunch meeting I will remember.

On the way home, because of all the drinks I had during dinner, I had a full bladder, and it was really full, and uncomfortable, but I was at the bus stop and with no toilet in sight, and my bus arriving, I pleaded to God to sustain me. And so I arrived at my bus stop, alighted, and as I was walking home, I glanced onto the roads and saw cars zooming by, and I dreaded my walk back in such a state, and I just thought,"If only someone would give me a lift home..."

And after maybe 10 steps, my mum called me, and asked if I was walking home, and she said she was at the bus stop, which was 10 metres from me! I GOT A LIFT HOME!!!!!

Running home to the toilet from the carpark, I was just thanking Him...even something like this.

He loves me too much... :)

What a day!

Friday, May 10, 2013

The one about the question of the past weeks.

Yawn, or, shocked? Do we get shocked much now?
Past week and half.


"All things are lawful, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful, but not all things edify."
1 Corinthians 10:23 (NASB)


The question isn't about whether I can, or I cannot.


The question is: Is it necessary?

And as I grapple with this, the Lord is showing me that in place of the unnecessary, there are things that are preferable, and more necessary, for me, from Him. 

And the analogy He gave me was this:

There is nothing wrong with watching shows, or just spending time online at night, and sleep late. However, if you spend less time wasting at night online, and sleep earlier, then, you'll rest better, wake up fresher, and get to exercise & workout. Isn't that something you'll enjoy more?

It's true. I do.

So, in the necessary, there is a preference. 
He prefers me to prefer what He prefers for me, though it is totally legitimate to entertain the unnecessary. 
But, He doesn't want me to settle. 
He has more for me. 

Whether I want it, I prefer it, is down to me. 
My choice.

And I do. I prefer the necessary.
I prefer God.

The one I went for the interview.

Steady, steady. He maketh me ready.
9th May.

Finally, Interview day.

My first formal interview in my life for a job. Ha. To think by 30, we've probably experienced most things.

It was a good time of recollecting, and remembering the journey, and of His faithfulness, for the past 4 years. And as I shared, my interviewers shared of how it was so encouraging, and in turn, they encouraged me so much. aww......I really do love being in the community. Got to catch up with a sister, short, but still impactful and still, so much of God. These conversations, and meetings, everyday.....I am really enjoying them!

Well, we'll see how it turns out, whether I'm accepted, and if so, when I will start.

The next season...coming soon. By faith I say: June.

The one with the random breakfast, the 1-year-old lunch, & the govt sponsored dinner.

Sometimes, it takes tears, before a smile is unearthed.
8th May.

In the randomness of a whatsapp chat, breakfast was suggested for today, and agreed upon. So returned to Choupinette. In the few hours there, there was good catch up and great sharing. And very good eggs and salmon on toast, with hollandaise sauce. I think with this dear sister, God uses each meeting to go deeper, and this pursuit seems relentless.

Then after that, it was a rush to meet an acquaintance, that has asked to meet up to hear about her work as a financial advisor. I was totally not keen at all, and have kept pushing this appointment since May last year. The only thing that made me arrange this lunch appointment was that as we spoke the week before, I felt God asking me:

"What if I have something for her? Would you meet her?"

With that I kept thinking, perhaps I could take this time to share my testimony, or how life has been in missions. So even up to before heading to meet her, I prayed, and asked the Lord to not only prepare me with what He has, but also her, to receive whatever it was. I just presumed that she was a non-believer. 

So we met, and we each got our lunch, and I just asked how was she? So she said she was curious how I could survive 4 years without a paycheck. So I shared with her from where it all started. And just as I was sharing about the kids at the refugee camp singing "Seek ye first", she mentioned, "it's in Matthew..." and I was surprised. Turns out she is a Christian too! So, the sharing went a little faster. Yet as we were sharing, I felt there was so much God was trying to tell her, so I just shared that with her. And as I shared, Holy Spirit brought those words so deep, she was in tears, and even took her phone out to record the conversation.

We ended up praying, and parted ways. But not before empahsizing that by my own ways, I wouldn't have wanted to meet her, but God has been pursuing her so much, and loves her so much.

Then, with the government issued vouchers for appreciation of our service to the nation, I had a good time and dinner with Evynn. Couldn't have asked for a better time of hanging out and chatting.

So, a day full of food, and fellowship. But, so much much of God too!


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The one with a free croissant.

Woke up feeling super nauseous after 5 hours of sleep. 

Yet still went for a morning run with pastor. 3rd run today in 8 days. Hopefully its something he will continue on even when I cannot meet him.

Had lunch with my longest-time friend. Finally got to drop by Choupinette, where Jason works. Haven't seen him for a long time and it was just such a joy to see him again. He shared about his life currently, and his girls are 8 & 4 already. wow..they are such beautiful children, from what I remember.

Well, it was a good catch up lunch, and ended the day with an amazing conversation with a brother. This conversation is one, which I had really hoped to have with many brothers, but perhaps God thinks I wasn't really ready for, until now. 

Exciting times, only with God! 

The one with the cousins for the day.

We were young, now we're old. We're still family.
Monday 6th May.

Morning started with base worship, and it was so good to meet everyone again. Cousin was there too. One point at worship, he was praying for me, and I saw how we needed to start praying our own family as a whole. Something to hold on to, and to keep at.

In the evening had dinner at a friend's place, and soon, there was a rehearsal for sunday's event. I just hung around. Halfway through, a thought that no one prayed yet, crossed my mind, and I agreed but it wasn't anything I had a part to play, coz I was just there. But in the end another friend mentioned it too, about prayer. And I was asked to pray, which was quite a privilege.

It was late, and I was contending how to get home, and morning's cousin's eldest brother offered me a lift home. It led to a good time of sharing and mini catch-up. Got to share and pray. I liked how the day ended.

Praise the Lord!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

The one about something new.

Happy child. We should all be.

2nd worship session last evening. Well, 2nd for me, but 3rd for E. The 1st one the week before had 5 of us, but last night we had 12 of us. It was such an amazing time of worship and prayer. I had a list of songs the night before, yet had no idea how it would flow, or in which sequence. However in the afternoon as I finally had time aside, the first few words I got were "The Splendour of the king", and as I read Ezekiel, I came across Ezekiel 16:14:

"And your fame spread among the nations on account of your beauty, because the splendour I had given you made your beauty perfect, declares the Sovereign LORD."
Ezekiel 16:14

Well, as we worshipped and prayed, the Lord showed how it was all linked, and it led to a great time to be quiet, and to wait on Him, and to encourage one another.

What started out to be a monthly thing, the Lord seems to be leading it to become a weekly thing, yet we keep seeking & waiting on Him.

Praise the Lord. :)

The one about April.

Azizjon, 11, Khujand, Tajikistan.
April has been a supposed month of rest, and travel, yet it has been so eventful, and so much has transpired outside of what I could even imagine.

Before heading to HK, got to hangout with a brother, and found out about his journey, and current state of his heart, that was so much more desiring than the many years of growing up in the church. Wah, this resonated so much in me, of my own journey, and also of how it was difficult to have to grow this journey in my home church. And thus, the Lord led me to commit to walk with him, and it has been such a privilege, to have shared, encouraged, prayed, and journeyed with him. 

And another brother, also, the Lord led, to share some stuff with me, and we also started on a journey of accountability, and it was also such a joy to see him grow so much, in just a week. What the Lord has planned out for us, truly, we cannot even start to fathom the entirety of it. 

Even in HK, initially I thought it would be a time to catch up with friends, and also to be with the girlfriend, however, ended up having divinely arranged meetings, and sharings, and prayers, and encouragements to so many brothers and sisters. I even had the privilege of sharing at the Youth service at my church.

And then in Thailand, at a church in Bangkok, the Lord used me to speak a very short word to a church, and encouraged many, as they came to respond. It was both humbling and a little scary, but exciting. Got to hangout alot with a sister, and got to share with them at their cell group, and it was such an encouraging time.

So, April, seemed to be a month of rest, but since Easter, where we remembered the resurrection of Christ, somehow in retrospect, life has sort of 'resurrected' for me. It's been very eventful, and it just makes going into everyday a lot more purposeful, and intentional.

We'll see what May brings.

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