Friday, May 17, 2013

The one with the lunch with the sisters.

Sisters, such joy!
17th May.

Ran with pastor. Whole body ached, yet it felt so good. Ha. Had breakfast and chatted. Had brunch thereafter with a sister, and then lunch with 2 more sisters. Was fun, yet also, I felt old at times. haha. Growing up with only brothers, somehow recently, God has brought so many sisters into my life, and not only do we have good 'normal' relationships, but more, somehow, such relationships now involve more depth than before, and sometimes it means saying the tough things...but someone's got to say it right? And many times, it takes more love to say it than to believe it's better for someone else to do it, after prayer and seeking the counsel of the Lord of course.

I guess, with the history of how I viewed and treated women, God could have so easily forbade me any contact with them, yet, He is redeeming this whole portion of my history and allowing me to encourage, edify, and speak into such lives of the sisters around me. Such a privilege. To know that we have such treasures in the church, in the family, we men better buck up and not only protect them and lead them, but more so to love them so much more, til it hurts perhaps.

Tough love, perhaps, is also love that is not easy. Sometimes when we see them stuck, or trapped within a situation, and we are called to not intervene (interrupt) their journey, and see them learn their lesson through, to resist the temptation to come "save the day", or to just allow them their choices and its consequences to bear, is painful, and tough, yet also necessary.

So to bring attention to a piece of veg stuck on the tooth, is perhaps as important as checking if God would like us to back off sometimes, so that He can show forth Himself in tough situations. Regardless, let God be God, and men not think ourselves too much a "superhero", yet not shrink away from our duty to protect, love and lead our dear sisters.


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