Friday, May 31, 2013

The one around Scandinavia.

Beautiful Leanna at Arlanda Airport, Sweden
20th May - 30th May.

After DTS many things change. Even holidays. Nothing can be seen as a 'normality' anymore since ordinary is overrated: the truth that life is so much more IS the ordinary. As God could and would use the ordinary and make it extraordinary.

A family trip would normally be just a family trip: food, photos, sights and all that. Yet this time round heading out, I knew it would be different. And so I tried to keep asking as much as I could, of: 

"How would you use me here, Lord?"

And how interesting such incidents happened.

First, on a cruise from Helsingor, Denmark, to Oslo, Norway. It was the buffet dinner and we were being served by 2 ladies. Somehow one of the young ladies (Thilde) came to mind, and I found it strange and started asking God if there was anything for her. I started to feel perhaps there were things He wanted to tell her, yet I checked to get confirmation. So before we left, I went up to her and talked to her and realised that she wasn't a believer, yet, I knew I should continue, so I spoke to her, and she allowed me to pray for her. My heart was beating so fast, but it's such an adventure always. 

Lom Stave Church
Next, it was in Norway. At the Lom Stave church. We visited this church on a Sunday. And after taking photos around it, like the one on the right, I went into the church, but realised we couldn't enter the chapel unless we paid. And at the counter was this girl (Rannei), and I felt I should talk to her. And as we chatted, found out that she's a Lutheran but haven't been going to church. So I asked God again what He has for her. She allowed me to pray for her, and as we prayed, I shared what I got for her, and then that was it. I felt relieved, as if I've done what I should have, and it was a really good feeling too.

And with this, my mind went on to think that perhaps it was one person in each nation, and so when we were in Sweden, I was quite on the alert, but somehow nothing very compelling, and as we headed to the airport, I felt perhaps there was nothing left and I would go home. Then, as my brother and mother went to a counter to get tax refund sorted out, I sat on a bench beside a mother and her daughter. The daughter was such a beautiful little girl, and I so wanted to take a picture of her, but I was afraid that it might be inappropriate. Then out of nothing, the little girl turned to me and she started to give me such a big smile, and I smiled back, and she laughed. And it happened a few times. I then started to talk to her mum and we chatted for a bit and found out that she was pregnant with another baby! As my mum and brother returned, and we were about to leave, I felt to pray for her and her family, especially her unborn baby. So we prayed, and thereafter found out that they were Lutherans too. 

So, its such a memorable trip. Not only did I get to experience the beauty of each nation, He also given me opportunities of praying and blessing one in each nation. Just this alone brings much joy and amazement again of how real God is, and how His love knows no boundaries, and not limited to a particular nation. 

So, holidays can have so much more depth and excitement, if we realise that God doesn't take holidays, and even on our holidays He wants to do so much more, through us too! :)


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