Friday, May 10, 2013

The one with the random breakfast, the 1-year-old lunch, & the govt sponsored dinner.

Sometimes, it takes tears, before a smile is unearthed.
8th May.

In the randomness of a whatsapp chat, breakfast was suggested for today, and agreed upon. So returned to Choupinette. In the few hours there, there was good catch up and great sharing. And very good eggs and salmon on toast, with hollandaise sauce. I think with this dear sister, God uses each meeting to go deeper, and this pursuit seems relentless.

Then after that, it was a rush to meet an acquaintance, that has asked to meet up to hear about her work as a financial advisor. I was totally not keen at all, and have kept pushing this appointment since May last year. The only thing that made me arrange this lunch appointment was that as we spoke the week before, I felt God asking me:

"What if I have something for her? Would you meet her?"

With that I kept thinking, perhaps I could take this time to share my testimony, or how life has been in missions. So even up to before heading to meet her, I prayed, and asked the Lord to not only prepare me with what He has, but also her, to receive whatever it was. I just presumed that she was a non-believer. 

So we met, and we each got our lunch, and I just asked how was she? So she said she was curious how I could survive 4 years without a paycheck. So I shared with her from where it all started. And just as I was sharing about the kids at the refugee camp singing "Seek ye first", she mentioned, "it's in Matthew..." and I was surprised. Turns out she is a Christian too! So, the sharing went a little faster. Yet as we were sharing, I felt there was so much God was trying to tell her, so I just shared that with her. And as I shared, Holy Spirit brought those words so deep, she was in tears, and even took her phone out to record the conversation.

We ended up praying, and parted ways. But not before empahsizing that by my own ways, I wouldn't have wanted to meet her, but God has been pursuing her so much, and loves her so much.

Then, with the government issued vouchers for appreciation of our service to the nation, I had a good time and dinner with Evynn. Couldn't have asked for a better time of hanging out and chatting.

So, a day full of food, and fellowship. But, so much much of God too!



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