Friday, May 10, 2013

The one about the question of the past weeks.

Yawn, or, shocked? Do we get shocked much now?
Past week and half.


"All things are lawful, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful, but not all things edify."
1 Corinthians 10:23 (NASB)


The question isn't about whether I can, or I cannot.


The question is: Is it necessary?

And as I grapple with this, the Lord is showing me that in place of the unnecessary, there are things that are preferable, and more necessary, for me, from Him. 

And the analogy He gave me was this:

There is nothing wrong with watching shows, or just spending time online at night, and sleep late. However, if you spend less time wasting at night online, and sleep earlier, then, you'll rest better, wake up fresher, and get to exercise & workout. Isn't that something you'll enjoy more?

It's true. I do.

So, in the necessary, there is a preference. 
He prefers me to prefer what He prefers for me, though it is totally legitimate to entertain the unnecessary. 
But, He doesn't want me to settle. 
He has more for me. 

Whether I want it, I prefer it, is down to me. 
My choice.

And I do. I prefer the necessary.
I prefer God.


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